Thursday, September 11, 2014

1. My field spot is covered in a thick blankets of shrubs and greenery. A tall tree stands in the back with pretty vines swinging from its branches, and a streams carves it's way through a niche in the ground right past it. It looks like a garden; picturesque and very green. It felt chilly and cool, with a slight breeze but no real wind. I smell earth and freshness, and hear the quiet chatter of the small stream.

ii. date: 9/11 at 3:30 pm
iii. climate: slightly cool and cloudy; no sunshine
iv. about 60 degrees
v. 12 hours and 38 min. (sunrise @ 7:19, sunset @ 7:58)
vi. Felt cool wood, saw sand, flowers, grass, vines, trees.

*natural sounds of my spot: breeze in the treetops, and an occasion chirping bird*(needed for 1st video)